Application Performance Management

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, business applications must be lightning quick when it comes to serving customers. But achieving that reality requires a commitment and expertise within performance engineering, a capability and discipline that's often lacking within organizations.

SQA Group's Performance Engineering-as-a-Service offering enables teams to stand up Application Performance Management as an always-on discipline. From helping you gain deeper insight into performance to introducing advanced tools to provide real-time monitoring to proactive troubleshooting, we ensure that your applications deliver consistent, high-quality performance.

Whether the need is to stand up an in-house discipline or simply address episodic performance testing requirements, SQA Group's fit-for-purpose services help keep applications running at their best so you can focus on what truly matters — delighting your end users.

Helping leaders who need to

  • Define and stand up APM as a discipline
  • Establish baseline and bench-mark analysis
  • Configure and manage testing environments
  • Engineer and curate test data management
  • Stand up virtual user automation tooling
  • Design elastic testing strategies
  • Baseline user experience satisfaction
  • Diagnose simulations and root cause analysis
  • Data-backed application and systems tuning
  • Define metrics and success criteria

From Our Team

"Performance engineering far too often has been an afterthought, owned by no one and not a priority until it’s a problem. Today’s digital leaders need stand up APM as an always-on capability and commit to an intentional and proactive approach that is embedded into the fabric of the organization."

Walter McAdams, Chief Engineer, Digital Solutions

Core service capabilities include...

Performance Engineering Expertise

Our APM capability provides you with instant hyperspecializaiton required to drive true performance engineering, from being able to understand non-functional requirements and system-under-test architecture to end user expectations to usage model design simulation.

"Golden Workload" Activation

We help you activate your “Golden Workload,” or a scientific and data-driven approach that simulates a reality-based, worst case scenario system usage and strain, so that a scalable and repeatable performance testing architecture can be designed and extended as needed.

APM Sandbox

We help you establish dedicated and protected working environments from virtual user automation tooling to configuring and managing dedicated testing environments to engineering and curating test data management. All designed to help you unlock optimization opportunities.

Performance Tuning Orchestration

Prioritize the actions that improve key metrics, systems performance and end user experience. From helping you diagnose simulation results to integrating and recalibrating iterative troubleshooting, we help you continually redefine what it means to reach peak performance.

Additional Resources

Improving User Experience

SQA Group partners with a private equity company to stand up an APM capability

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Get Ahead of the Warning Signs

Dive into the warning signs that it's time to focus on performance engineering

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Jump-Start Your APM Discipline

Unlock key strategies to stand up APM as an always-on discipline

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eBook: Quality Engineering 3.0

Gain instant access to strategies you can leverage to drive to your next QE paradigm

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Stand up your always-on APM discipline today

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