The Next Era of Rev Gen

As a rev leader — Sales, Marketing, Growth, Product, Brand — all eyes are on you to capture market share expediently, grow brand vitality, and build next-level customer experiences. And, it's also about making revenue more predictive by leveraging emerging technologies and advanced analytics solutions.

This complimentary Jump-Start Program, delivered straight to your inbox daily, arms you with and demystifies top data concepts you need to bring your team into the next era of rev gen.

10 Emails. Your Data Crash Course Covers...

  • Data 101 and beyond
  • Proving the ROI of your efforts
  • Use cases for AI/ML
  • Next-gen KPIs
  • Revenue leakage
  • Your data-driven leadership
  • Drive team accountability
  • Forecasting ease and reliability

By the Numbers

53% of CEOs have identified data and analytics as their top investment priority over the next 2 years, up from 35% in 2021.

EY Tech Horizon Report 2022

Your Crash Course Includes

Daily Exercises

Each email tees up your data concept of the day, supporting resources, and an exercise to complete on your own or with your team. Exercises include: calculating the cost of revenue leakage; validating rev gen ROI; assessing your data literacy; modernizing KPIs; and uncovering your structured and unstructured data.

Use Cases to Fuel Rev

Learn how to automate rev activities (sales forecasting, copywriting, customer service inquiries), personalize customer journeys, and derive next-level persona insights. In just 14 days, you’ll learn specific ways you can introduce AI, ML, NLP, without requiring your IT team.

Cheat Sheets and Frameworks

What’s the difference between data and analytics? How can AI automate rev activities? This crash course provides you with all these answers, as we arm you with exercise, worksheets, and cheat sheets — including a revenue leader data glossary — so you can master your data literacy.