Data Monetization

The data sitting within your existing systems — as well as the data to be acquired tomorrow — is always monetizable, having the power to help you make or save money. It just requires commitment and intention to continually illuminating, analyzing, and correlating data to unlock hidden revenue streams, efficiency gains, and innovation pathways.

Whether your goals are internal or external — and no matter if you have copious or light amounts of data — we help you stand up an always-on data monetization engine, powered by advanced analytics and data science, so that your data is always working on behalf of you.

Helping leaders who need to

  • Unlock hidden ROI potential
  • Gain visibility into areas of waste
  • Tackle dark or siloed data
  • Sand-up attribution modeling
  • Establish true data-backed analysis
  • Validate or refute hypotheses
  • Leverage data science & storytelling
  • Uncover new revenue pathways
  • Shift from data to action
  • Predict impact of investments

From Our Team

"All companies are sitting on hidden opportunity to make or save money — housed in data sets, Excel files, platforms, etc. In fact, more than 50% of an organization’s data is considered dark. Deep analysis can provide intel into revenue-accelerators such as the next new feature to rollout in your product, the biggest culprits of org waste, or the No. 1 thing that causes customers to churn."

Carrie Majewski, VP, Data Practice

Clients tap us to help them with:

Dark Data Illumination

More than 50% of an organization’s data is considered dark (Gartner) — data that is unstructured, therefore is difficult to be used for other purposes such as monetization. The data sitting untouched within your systems can be unveiled to gain visibility into what’s making and saving money in your organization. With that new information, you know where to go next. SQA Group helps you go from dark to illuminated and convert data into ROI pathways.

ROI Mapping & Feasibility

Need to correlate your team’s current activities, processes, and workflows to ROI? Facing pressure to predict the financial impact of future initiatives and investments?” Leaders tap SQA Group when they need to leverage data to evidence impact of current and future work, and determine where and how to aim right the first time.

Data Storytelling

Data without context can be noise, particularly for non-technical users. But data that is presented via storytelling and narratives enables teams to understand the WHY, bringing meaning to numbers to inspire informed decision making. Turn raw numbers into nuanced stories to empower your team with confidence with where to invest next.

Predictive Analytics

Far too many departments and companies “report the news,” using data to state what happened. We help teams accelerate their data maturity, transitioning from descriptive to predictive analytics and being able to peer into the future to shape strategies and decision making. Stay ahead of the curve and pioneer the innovation for tomorrow, while de-risking for today.

Data Productization

Building pathways to data monetization is imperative to supercharge efforts. Data productization is the process of transforming data into a product that provides value to a business, both internally and externally. We provide data implementation and strategic firepower to ensure your data is translated into value drivers through thought leadership, open source models, and internal direction setting.

Additional Resources

Cost of Not Being Data-Driven

Dive into the real cost of not being data-driven as a leader

Read More

Case Study: Data Science

Correlating the impact of communications to rev-impact

Read More

See the Future

Shift from asking “what happened?” to “what might happen?”

Read More

Case Study: ROI Unearthed

$12 million in revenue gains unearthed via analysis

Dive In

Next-Gen KPI Activation

Measure the immeasurable: next-gen KPIs for a new world

Dive In

Stand up your data monetization engine

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