Data Elevated and Aimed

As a leader of People and Culture, your eye is always on impact. Your people are the heartbeat of your organization and, as such, you’re fueled to usher in the next era of people-centricity, true workplace inclusion and parity, and Future of Work initiatives.

You know where you want to head next, and you believe being data-fueled and insights empowered is key to driving next-level impact. Think of us as your data and people innovation partner. Ensuring you’re using data, predictive intelligence, and advanced analytics to gain a true multi-dimensioned view of what your people are experiencing and feeling.

People and Culture leaders tap us to…

  • Demonstrate stories of impact through data
  • Unlock hidden ROI within initiatives
  • Illuminate insights within existing data
  • Stand up data-backed frameworks
  • See the future via predictive intelligence
  • Craft progressive ways to measure
  • Improve visibility via dash-boarding
  • Integrate disparate tech and tools
  • Customize auto-generated reports
  • Lead pilot projects to gain buy-in

By the Stats

More than 66% of HR and People leaders do not use data to support HR decision-making, despite the fact that 83% of HR leaders agree that all people decisions should be based on data and analytics.


Services overview at a glance...

Data-Fueled Strategies

Looking to craft, strengthen, or revolutionize your strategy within a specific area? For example, employee experience, change management, values actualization, etc.? We help you build or refine your strategies by establishing new definitions of success, identifying actions and behaviors to drive progress, and elevating new KPIs to measure impact.

Advanced Analysis and Illumination

Sitting on a mound of data collected via employee experience platforms, surveys, praise platforms, etc.? Wondering about that unstructured data that lives via ERGs, performance reviews, social media chatter, L&D workshops, etc.? Tap our advanced analytics team to dive into your existing data to elevate the insights and correlations you can’t yet see.

Visualizations & Dashboards

Unlock the power of advanced analytics and visualizations to see the stories in your data. Whether you’re interested in customizing out-of-the-box reports, creating exec-centered dashboards, or spinning up proof of concepts to demonstrate your impact to your stakeholders, our data team is your partner in transforming data from numbers to insights.

KPIs for Today and Tomorrow

Companies tap us to help them measure the immeasurable. A pioneer in progressive KPI setting, SQA Group has off-the-shelf KPIs you can bring straight to your organization (e.g. Flight Risk Predictor Score, Diversity of Labor Equity, Career Pathway Optionality; access the full library here). Or, we can custom create your KPIs, enabling you to measure things that have felt immeasurable, e.g. psychological safety, belonging, thrivability, etc.

Predict What's Coming

Who is next to quit in your organization? What individuals need to be fast tracked for promotion? How do your values correlate to client acquisition? Start deriving real-time analytics and pinpointing the leading metrics that will allow you to see what’s coming next so you can take action immediately.

Additional Resources

New Workplace KPIs

Unlock 10+ Future of Work KPIs to shape culture

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Case Study: ROI Analysis

Helping a DEI leader connect current initiatives to ROI

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Quiz: Data Maturity

Assess the maturity of people analytics and data-centricity

Start Now

Impact, Fueled by Data

5 steps to elevate the role of advanced analytics and innovation

Dive In

Navigate Culture Tidal Waves

Organizational culture is always shifting. With it, so should your metrics.

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Fuel Your Most Important Initiatives with Data

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