Quality Engineering Services

The pressure facing software and app leaders to expedite time to market, incorporate continuous voice of customer, and accelerate product lifecycle velocity grows daily. And all the while that the call is to move faster, what can't be compromised in the process is quality. Amidst the era of accelerated delivery of code and new feature enhancements, it's never been more imperative for quality to be built in, versus bolted on.

Since our inception, SQA Group has been a niche provider of QE modernization solutions, understanding the unique methodologies, technologies, and approaches that enable quality to emerge as a competitive business driver. From helping teams incorporate continuous release and delivery to leveraging AI-based modeling to shifting from reactive to proactive measurement, we enhance your application performance and security, while also accelerating time-to-market.

Expertise across the following areas ...

  • Agile
  • DevOps
  • Transformation
  • Automation
  • CI/CD
  • Shift Left
  • Evaluations
  • Process Engineering
  • Testing Services
  • Data Quality

From Our Clients

"Our software quality improved by over 20%, so there were less defects, rework, and more effort towards developing new functionality for the business. This was a game changer!"

Dan Sheehan, Business and IT Executive

Core service capabilities include...

Continuous Product Lifecycle Velocity

Is your lifecycle speed characterized as heroic, waterfall, Agile, or continuous? Teams tap us to examine their speed when it comes to development, testing, build and release, and feedback, and to help them shift towards continuous everything. From actively introducing things like continuous testing, build and release, DevOps, virtualization, containerization, as well as other innovations, we helps teams accelerate velocity, without compromising quality.

Predictive Product Quality

Digitally modern teams focus on building quality in, rather than bolting it on. Our team of QE experts ensure that quality is incorporated throughout the product lifecycle, resulting in an end product that is cost-effective, user-friendly, reliable, and maintainable. Enabling QE to emerge as technical discipline; drive shift-left and shift-right paradigms; and shape development cycles around predictive UX and tech possibilities.

Futuristic Technologies

IoT, extensive robotics, AI-driven systems… how are you incorporating emerging technology into product engineering? Tap us to determine how, where, and why to implement the latest technologies to give your QE discipline a competitive advantage and enable new functionality and capability that was previously impossible. From enhancing UX to increasing scalability to gaining data-driven insights, leverage emerging tech to future-proof your function.

Data-Driven Insights

The future of QE is fueled by big data, which means it’s essential to elevate the role of data and understand what it says about quality of product and process. SQA Group helps leaders gain greater visibility into their software and quality practices, from predicting errors before they occur to maximizing data governance, quality, structures to standing up next-gen KPIs to measure product lifecycle, total experience and client satisfaction.

Additional Resources

Free Guide: QE 3.0

Dive into the trends driving QE modernization and fueling the era of 3.0

Download Now

Modern Workforce Scaling

Consulting-as-a-Service model, bringing heightened elasticity and agility

Learn More

Quality: A Seat in Your Mind

Ensure that everyone in the organization has a seat in their minds for quality

Read More

Navigating the Data Ocean

Sift through the data tidal waves to strengthen quaity of product and process

Dive In

Modernize Your QE Practice

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