AI and Automation Acceleration

AI and business process automation are not future technologies or solutions. Rather, they are here today and already doing much of the heavy lifting for companies across the globe. Being aimed to supercharge customer experience, eradicate organizational waste, augment customer service, enable small teams to compete at scale, and fuel revenue growth.

The question, therefore, is no longer “should we?" It’s “how,” particularly when considering how to integrate AI and automation solutions in a way that enables teams to be superhuman; accounts for security and ethical concerns; and strengthens — versus erodes — culture.

Helping leaders who need to

  • Identify the best AI/BPA use cases
  • Stand up architecture and PoCs
  • Tackle data overload and overwhelm
  • Optimize and streamline legacy workflows
  • Align teams to rev-gen activities
  • Increase speed and time to market
  • Stand up data-backed decision making
  • Introduce next-level CX, EX, UX
  • Drive maximum ROI with AI/BPA
  • Tackle in-house expertise constraints

From Our Clients

"SQA Group's AI team identified opportunities around chat bots and automation of sales communication to free up my team to be more strategic. The team has the experience in this space to help facilitate pricing execution and ROI analysis to help my drive it through my organization."

Senior Director Commercial Operations

Core service capabilities include...

AI & BPA Acceleration

Whether you need to identify the best use cases for initial AI/automation, or are looking to drive next-level impact, we help you stand up a holistic approach to implementation and adoption. From ensuring you have technical firepower to a strategic thought partner to identify the prime use case candidates, we help you reach your next milestone.

Prototypes & Proof of Concpets

Our Prototype & PoC services enable you to demonstrate the viability and impact of AI/automation before doubling down on implementation and investment. Stand up architecture expediently, identify and remedy challenges early on, and elicit user feedback to shape direction. Dive into our AI Accelerator Framework here.

Generative AI

Evolve your team to harness the power of Generative AI so that they can have more time to focus on higher level, creative-oriented pursuits. SQA Group helps you leverage and stand-up Generative AI and process automation to investigate and remedy issues automatically — from code errors to requirements suggestions to real-time documentation and analysis.

Value Stream Mapping

Saddled by legacy workflows that are ripe for automation and tech streamlining? Our Value Stream Mapping services enable you to gain a birds-eye view of your processes, points of risk, areas ripe for automation, and methods of measurement so that a clear future state solution can be unearthed that maximizes and improves output, while increasing positive financial impact.

AI & BPA Readiness

Getting AI/BPA ready includes everything from examining your data ecosystem and assessing maturity to creating a Ground Truth training set and ensuring your organization is primed for adoption. Whether you need support with feasibility testing, data operations improvement, or identifying use cases, we ensure that you get AI/automation right.

Additional Resources

Acceleration Framework

In just 6-weeks, know where and how to implement AI

Learn More

eBook: Total Experience

Learn how AI/automation can augment customer experience

Download Now

Case Study: Rev-Enabling

Helping shift a team from operational to rev-gen impacting

Read More

90-Day AI Solutions

Dive into the five quick start AI solution ideas for your team

Dive In

Case Study: Optimization

Helping unlock $12M in revenue gains via optimization

Learn More

Supercharge your SDLC

Drive velocity & quality within your software delivery lifecycle

Read More

Advance forward with AI and automation

From use case identification to implementation

Learn More