Empty Promises? Or Data Backed. Carrie Majewski 07/20/2022 There was a time when leaders could say they were going to tackle something big, important, and game-changing, and the promise was enough to rally employees, clients, and shareholders around...
Advanced Analytics: The Biz-Tech Bridge Rob Lanza 07/12/2022 We're living in an era in which nearly every company — big or small and across all industries — is now a de facto tech company. All companies are incorporating...
Data Excellence for Non-profits Rob Ulmschneider 06/21/2022 Data is the hidden horsepower sitting within every organization. But it takes a whole-of-organization effort to truly become more data-driven and data empowered—an effort that includes leaders and individual contributors...
The Pursuit of Data Excellence Rob Ulmschneider 05/12/2022 I can’t remember the first time I heard the term “Center of Excellence”, but I remember immediately falling in love with it. It was really just a rebranding of the...
Automation: The New Leadership Imperative Walter McAdams 05/02/2022 Business process automation (BPA) — the process whereby technologies or software take over routine, everyday tasks — has always made sense and always been something for which companies should be...
Gain Digital Modernization Momentum Walter McAdams 04/28/2022 Over the next decade, digital modernization will be imperative for any company that wants to keep up in an increasingly competitive market. In fact, 89% of all companies have already...
Imagination is More Important than Data Sources Rob Ulmschneider 04/12/2022 Albert Einstein once said, “imagination is more important than knowledge.” Really. He said it. I’ve found that Einstein belongs to a holy trinity of folks that tend to get all...
Test Automation: We’ve Got to Move Faster Walter McAdams 04/06/2022 As QE leaders, we all know how important automation is, particularly when it comes to test. But year after year market research demonstrates that we still have a ways to...
Do You Have an AI Strategy? Carrie Majewski 03/16/2022 Last year I stumbled upon a Harvard Business Review article, “How to Design an AI Marketing Strategy.” The title alone stopped me in my tracks. As marketers, we are used...